Ministry Team

Paul Esuon

Servant of Jesus Christ

Divine Vision & Word of the Lord, 6th October 2017

The believers are asleep, they are sleeping too much; the work to do is a lot and the labourers are few. The King is coming for His perfect bride, and all of us must be carrying out our assignments, mandate, calling and ministry to be perfected. Wake up the saints, and call them to work for the King of Glory and to give the glory to Him, because it is a privilege to be in His employ.

As a servant of the King of glory, all I am must give glory to my Master Jesus Christ, Son of the Most High God. Thus, I can only say what He says about me as this is the main reason why I was created - that I may properly demonstrate to others how to live and work for His glory. As John the baptist said, He that hath the bride is the bridegroom: but the friend of the bridegroom, which standeth and heareth him, rejoiceth greatly because of the bridegroom's voice: this my joy therefore is fulfilled. He must increase, but I must decrease. (Joh 3:29-30 KJV)

I carry a heavy burden for unlocking the destinies of people and many times these are people who are not really interested in pursuing what Jehovah the eternal Father actually put them on the earth for in order to fill the earth with His glory. At least not as interested as they are in pursuing what brings them personal gain and glory.

As a prophet of the Most High God, El Elyon, I depend solely on His voice, presence and power of to be able to accomplish my work, and this I do by seeking God in prayer and fasting. When the Spirit of God speaks, His voice and presence brings rest. This is how my intercessory assignment was born: through the dominant desire to see and work out the perfect will of God in my own life and then in the life of others, before it would transcend into geographic regions and territories. The secret is that God gives land to men (non-gender based), but if those men are not submitted to the perfect will of God, then this invites Satan, the god of this world, to exercise wickedness, corruption and anything that is contrary to the kingdom of God. Godly men (believers) then must take back that which evil men have given over to darkness.

Our work as believers who follow Jesus Christ is to learn how to live in this world not being subject to the world system but rather to the kingdom of God which is within us (Rom. 12:1-3). The kingdom comes in when Jesus the King is invited into a human heart. It is the submission to the world system and refusal of the kingdom of God that holy scriptures refer to as "spiritual sleep" or "death". (Eph. 5:8-14)

From another perspective, I can also say that you cannot imagine how many people are hungry for true light and in need of spiritual guidance in their lives in order to become content and relevant in the earth, in a godly way. I have seen hope restored, vision arise and people empowered and sent forth by the Holy Spirit to carry out their earthly assignments. This is what destiny is all about - doing what you were born for. This can only be possible if you first WAKE UP to the only true God, who created and ordained you in Christ and has wonderful plans for you written in your book of destiny. (Eph. 2: 10; Ps. 139)

Out of my book of destiny, Jehovah the eternal Father gave me the following mandate;

Divine Vision & Word of the Lord, 1st April 2021

For I said to John, write: write to the churches. Even so I say to you my son, write: write to My people. Write to them for I am speaking and they need to hear My word. They need to know and receive the Mind of God. A place of exchange between Me and My people; that they will submit their prayer requests and I will answer. As Noah sent forth a dove and it returned bearing good tidings of an olive branch, even so people will send forth their prayer requests and it shall return bearing good tidings.  The discovery of eternal purpose, destiny, My will for them. I want to bring an awakening to my people concerning divine purpose, and will use this entity called prophetic boxes. Even as you have seen: as it is with mail boxes, so shall it be with prophetic boxes. Any time I have a message for one of them, it will come into their prophetic box and should be delivered in a systematic manner to them, to their inbox. Make this website for Me my son, and I will use it to transform many lives.

My personal pursuit of Jesus Christ has led to the birth of this website. Imagine what your pursuit will lead to!

I sincerely pray and hope that by coming to this website, you will be inspired to personally begin on your journey of finding the eternal purpose of God concerning you and will experience the unlocking of your destiny as I and my ministry team work with you personally to bring you into the perfect will of God.

No matter how cutting-edge this website becomes, it will always be run by real people who love and have committed their lives into the Lord's hands, and we will wholeheartedly help you on your journey to destiny, by the grace and mercy of Christ.